German-Namibian farmers expand to Europe using Saloodo!

The view wanders into the shimmering expanse of the Western Kalahari, over the hills of deep red earth, past the endless pastures of the cattle. In the shade of the acacia trees, the animals graze the African steppe for food. It is a peaceful sight, full of tranquility and originality. Here, 180km southeast of Namibia’s […]

Basic knowledge: How to export across EEA borders

Exporting across EEA borders. 3D rendering of the Earth surrounded by cardboard boxes, a cargo container ship, a flying plan, a car, a van and a truck

Important information and tips The European Economic Area (EEA) is a free trade area that allows member states to simplify exports, thus helping to strengthen the economy. Members of the EEA are the member states of the EU and three countries of EFTA: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. What makes the EEA special are the four […]

Coronavirus: German government prohibits export of medical protective clothing

In the fight against the spread of the coronavirus, Germany is stopping the export of medical protective equipment, including breathing masks, gloves and protective suits, to other countries. By order of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, exceptions will only be possible under strict conditions, including in the context of international relief operations. After deliberations by […]

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