Brexit: Two days of congestion at the British border feared

The UK authorities expect considerable chaos at border crossings after the end of the brexite transition period at the turn of the year. This is the conclusion of a confidential government document reported by the “Guardian”.

According to the report already in January, queues of up to 6,500 trucks are expected in the border region of Kent. In February, according to the experts’ calculations, it could even take up to two days for trucks to reach the border in traffic jams.

In order to minimise the feared chaos, service stations could be set up along motorways within the country, the document from experts says. There, truck drivers would receive help to prepare the necessary documents in time for the border. In addition, a software-based system is to ensure the smooth flow of goods, but this is currently still in progress. An online traffic light system is also not to be tested until the end of November, as the paper states. The authors also stress that the congestion and delays could occur even if the UK still manages to agree a trade pact with the EU.


Daniel Mahnken
Daniel Mahnken is a Senior Corporate Communications Manager at Saloodo!. As a qualified journalist, writing is practically in his blood. After studying sports journalism, he wanted to become Germany’s Next Sports Commentator, but then he discovered logistics and has been stuck with it ever since.

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