Like any business, transportation and logistics providers need to be aware of the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape and its potential threats. Cybercrime is constantly evolving, and criminals are always looking for new ways to inflict significant damage on companies’ digital infrastructure.
Fortunately, there are now numerous solutions available to help protect your business and facilitate its operations to counter these persistent threats. Our colleague Christian Garbers, Head of Platform Delivery Saloodo!, explores this in our latest article.
What can be done concretely against cyber attacks in logistics?
Outdated software and servers
Using outdated software and inadequately maintained servers leaves your infrastructure vulnerable to attack, which can lead to data loss and crippling downtime that damages your operations and reputation. For example, an attacker can lock your team out of your system until you pay a ransom to restore access, resulting in significant costs, downtime and reputational damage.
Why Saloodo! is the solution
Christian: “Saloodo! is hosted on a reliable infrastructure that is certified to ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 27017:2015 and 27018:2019. Therefore, there are no servers that you have to maintain. The Saloodo! platform is developed in an agile way and we rely on a modern serverless architecture as much as possible. The Saloodo! Platform is therefore by definition always the latest version and is even updated several times a week. Since you do not install the software yourself, you do not have to worry about updates. You can focus on your business while Saloodo! takes care of keeping the software up-to-date.”
Bad design
“He who buys cheap, buys and pays twice” is an old adage that also and especially applies in a digital age. Information and data security are not just concepts, but also and above all design principles, which in the best case belong from the ground up both in the structure and to the development and operation process of a digital product, but are often neglected.
Why Saloodo! is the solution
Christian: “At Saloodo!, the security of customer data is paramount. Our product is designed to protect the data that keeps your business running. All data is encrypted to industry standards. Our infrastructure is designed for redundancy and data replication to prevent data loss.”
DDoS attacks
The logistics and transportation sector is a frequent target for distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks flood servers with Internet traffic and prevent users from accessing online services, applications and websites. DDoS attacks, affect customer relationships, damage your reputation, disrupt business, and are easy to execute.
Why Saloodo! is the solution
Christian: “Saloodo! uses advanced traffic monitoring systems to detect and analyze abnormal traffic patterns that could indicate a DDoS attack. This enables the Saloodo! team to react faster and take appropriate action. In addition, Saloodo! uses a cloud-based, scalable infrastructure that can handle a high volume of traffic. Moreover, the cloud-based, serverless hosting technologies used by Saloodo! inherently establish a certain resilience against such attacks. Since our technology partners are also exposed to these attacks, we are defending ourselves together, so to speak. Figuratively speaking, a supertanker is naturally more stable in the sea than a single-handed sailor!”
Cybersecurity in the transportation and logistics sector is critical, and Saloodo!’s advanced infrastructure offers a forward-thinking way to protect your digital infrastructure. We pride ourselves on being a trusted partner that not only provides world-class transportation and logistics solutions, but also puts security at the forefront.