Saloodo! introduces BeduConnect to simplify shipments between GCC, Egypt, Libya and Sudan

trucks standing in a row
Saloodo! is proud to announce it’s new solution to simplify shipping between Libya, Sudan and Egypt to the GCC – and vice versa. With BeduConnect we offer fast and simple road freight connections between our existing logistics hubs in Egypt.

Saloodo!‘s new logistics hub – Connecting Libya, Sudan and Egypt to the GCC

Connect your business in Libya, Sudan and Egypt now to suppliers from GCC (and vice versa) to reach markets around the world, boosting your efficiency and reducing your costs. With BeduConnect we offer fast and simple road freight connections between our existing logistics hubs in Egypt. Egypt’s unique geographic location combined with an expanding infrastructure base is enhancing the country’s position as a key global logistics hub. BeduConnect enables not only small and medium businesses in Africa and GCC by taking the complexity out of international shipping to Libya and Sudan, helping them connect with the Gulf country states.

Why BeduConnect?

  • Your shipments take too much time via ocean transport.
  • Air freight is faster but way more expensive.
  • You rather rely on trusted carriers like Saloodo! – powered by DHL


If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our colleagues, who are happy to help anytime:

Saloodo! Lead Egypt
Islam El Hammady

Saloodo! Lead UEA
Sunny Fernandes

Saloodo! Lead Oman
Osamah Bdair

Saloodo! Lead Iraq
Zena Al-Joude

Saloodo! Lead Libya
Ahmed Algandouz

Saloodo Lead! Saudi Arabia
Abena Nkansah

Saloodo! Lead Bahrain
Nikesh Kumar

Saloodo! Lead Kuwait
Amjad Ibrahim

Saloodo! Lead Qatar
Hamza Wassas

Saloodo! MEA Operations Manager
Neeraj Gupta


Janine Wolff
Janine Wolff is a design enthusiast, has a passion for blogging and traveling and is our Junior Social Media and Content Manager at Saloodo!.

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