Praerie Festival: Saloodo! Supports Festival Logistics

Festival Logistics
The first summer without Covid19 restrictions. People are flocking to concerts and festivals and enjoy life again. It’s so easy: Purchasing a ticket for a performance allows fans to experience their favorite artist in person, to dance together with friends, to listen to mesmerising sounds – which is an unforgettable experience. However, most spectators just notice the performance itself. They have no clue how the event would be possible without a well-organized festival logistics plan.

Why the right logistics is crucial for a successful festival

A well-oiled logistics approach is critical for a music festival: Moving people and equipment from one location to another to the right time, in the right matter to perfect conditions. A successful tour or festival relies heavily on logistics. Organizing a festival or event is similar to building a tiny town, complete with amenities like food, housing, sanitation, and entertainment. However, festivals frequently take place in areas without any addresses, postcodes, or streets.

This one of the mainstages of Praerie Festival. The material for this needed to be transported all over Germany. (Photocredits: Praerie UG)

Even months before the first tickets go on sale, the team around Philip König is hard at work to make sure everything goes according to plan before the lights dim and the sound raises, before the audience is wowed by another amazing set of music. Philip is the founder of the Praerie Festival. The festival took place in 2020 for the first time with a colorful lineup and a lot of heart and soul, the organizers created again a festival idyll of a special kind. This year, from 05. – 07. August the Praerie Festival took again place in Galenbeck. More than 32 acts performed at this event – from Techno to House but also Chillout performances.

For the founders the festival is more than dancing and music: In addition to the performances on the main stages, visitors found stimulating, creative, but also relaxing workshops. An additional wellness oasis supported stress reduction and was perfect for a head massage or a Reiki treatment.

How supply chain disruption affects events like Praerie Festival

Event Logistics 2022
The festival at night. (Photocredits: Praerie UG)

Philip and his team not only took care of the concept of the festival but looked after everything from staging, lightning, sound and audio-visual that was transported throughout Germany. And it is at this point in the action that Saloodo becomes relevant. Philip reached out to Saloodo! and was in quite urgent need of a serious amount of trucks for their to make sure that the festival logistics could arrive in time on the festival grounds. The currently tight situation in truck capacity is due to the fact that there are hardly any available vehicles.

“The problem is, there’s no purpose in crying and panicking in scenarios like this. It makes no difference. I just get to go out and put out fires most of the time.“, so Philip about the supply chain disruptions he dealt with this year – and probably will next year.

Saloodo! provides transport – within 24 hours

Festival Logistics
Praerie Festival Fire Show (Photocredits: Praerie UG)

So at Saloodo! we rolled up our sleeves and got to work after we received Philips request for some serious festival logistics capacities:

“At the end of the day we’re doing this for the people, and the big pay-off really comes when you’re seeing the carriers and already desperate shippers connecting successfully. For the Praerie Festival it was crucial to have these transports and I am just loving the idea that after these long, restrictive measurements covid-wise, people now can finally enjoy those lovely little life-enhancing moments like a festival in the nature.”, states Antje Huber, CEO of Saloodo!.





Janine Wolff
Janine Wolff is a business economist and design enthusiast, has a passion for blogging and logistics and is our Social Media and Content Manager at Saloodo!.

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