Enable Blockchain
The basic idea behind blockchain technology is to store all required information to complete a transaction in a transparent, shared databases to prevent it from being deleted, tampered with or revised.
Every task or process like a payment involves a digital record, which all parties can identify, validate or store. The authorization for any activity required at any stage is identified, validated, stored and shared with the parties who need it. For a road fright shipment e.g. the shipper, the carrier, an insurance company and a bank would agree on mutual agreements and save transit times, paper hustle or data loss.
Not only would it increase trust and reduce risks but make processes more lean and and cheaper.
But at the moment the regulators to find these mutual agreements are missing and there’s no industry standard to handle these databases. But we are on a good way to bring this technology on its way.
Use IoT widespreadly
The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of sensors and devices that allows data to be transferred over a network without human interaction.
An example: IoT devices can be attached to a truck or its cargo so that manufacturers and customers can monitor movements or openings at each stage of the process, guaranteeing accurary and therefore less risk. Insurance premiums would decrease and less working capital is spent.
Recording vital information, such as location and state (like e.g temperature) enable so many chances to work leaner.
Used in conjunction with blockchain, IoT has a huge potential and can e.g. provide real-time information such as automated payments, followed by triggering contracts and therefore reducing settlement time to an instantaneous action. The widespread use of both could greatly improve supply chain efficiency, allowing customers and suppliers to build more trust, reduce risk of tampering, removing overhead costs: In total processes will benefit from becoming leaner.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic Process Automations means using software with an Artificial Intelligence for high-volume, repeatable tasks. Especially in logistics this can be highly efficient as for example customs paperwork can be done automatically by RPA and can prevent human errors. Waiting times at borders and harbors can be reduced dramatically. Workers can again focus on less monotonous manual tasks.
When the logistics industry is able to standarize processes, the outcome has a huge potential. Not only will accuracy enable greater efficiency, it will also speed up shipment times. Which leads to happier customers and higher sales.
Data Science
Logistics is a great sector for using data science and we are already in the middle of a great change using Date Science. With the help of it, it is easily possible to e.g. reduce waste, optimize driving routes, pick the right service provider for your needs and so much more.
The constant control through data science is on one hand a risk (date protection rights) but on the other data comes from my sources and with it, we have the ability to preventionally avoid problems e.g occuring in our supply chain.
The date-driven world BIRD technologies creates, could help the logistics industry to work more efficiently. Ensuring accuracy, giving users more trust in data, even handle predictions. As not every small business has the resources to cover blockchain technologies, one can start with small steps: Cloud computing, online freight platforms or IoT devices for truck drivers are just the beginning.